dark bull backgrounddark bull background
play button
Total number of Jumpins: 100,000,000,000
Number of Jumpins burned today: 5,006,492,443
Number of Jumpins burned in total: 30,283,928,743
Polygon official token burning address: 0x3333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Jumping Bull is a meme coin game produced by Mevels Entertainment, and it's available on the Polygon network. There is no investment advise. This token is meant only for amusement and education purpose. THE FOUNDING TEAMs disclaim all liability for any losses or damages. Invest at your own risk as the market is volatile. Zero Guarantee of profit or retention of value.You should do your own research before investing and you agree to the risks by buying. The Production Company are not required to update information. Observe local regulations as laws vary based on jurisdiction. Mevels Entertainment retains the final interpretation right for this project.